Saturday, February 9, 2008


DON'T BE SAD ( By: Shaykh 'Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarni )

Written by Islamic Times

Thursday, 01 December 2005

Over the past year or so I had seen this book on many bookshelves throughout Islamic Bookshops all over the UK and advertised on many Islamic web sites, as I'm sure many of you can verify my observations.
“So, take heart and hold firmly onto the rope of Allah”

At that point in time it never really occurred to me why this book seemed so popular, it was only recently I've asked my self what was the big hype surrounding this book??One of the reasons I never bought this book earlier then I did was due to the fact I saw the book entitled “Don't Be Sad”, and I never really felt attracted to it or compelled to read it.

I remember pondering to myself what the title meant, it did sound strange to me as it didn't have the usual flare many Islamic books boast. It was only a few months ago I was at my local bookshop and I had picked up this book again and I finally gave into the curiosity surrounding this book. I remember asking my friends have any of you read this book?? One of the brothers swiftly responded to my question “Yeah akhi I've read that book, Masha'allah it is excellent, one of the best books I've read in a long time.” He went on to say that he used to always read a little bit of the book each night before going to sleep just to have that moment alone and fall into deep reflection and contemplation after a typical hectic day. Don't Be Sad was originally written by Shaykh 'Aaidh Al-Qarni in Arabic, it was initially available to Arab readers but Alhamdulillah it has now been translated into English by Faisal Ibn Muhammad Shafeeq and is widely available to both Arab and Non-Arab readers. The translator graciously informs the reader he did not translate the work wordfor- word as doing so would have defeated the author's aims and objectives. The Arabic version is in a style that is elegant and graceful, common in many classical Arabic writings.

Shaykh 'Aaidh Al-Qarni wrote this book to act as a practical and simplified approach to help deal with and Insha'allah overcome many of the difficulties all of us face in everyday life. Shaykh 'Aaidh writes from an Islamic perspective using infallible sources such as the Qur'an and Sunnah of the prophet (may Allah be pleased with him). Shaykh 'Aaidh also quotes western and Eastern philosophers when what they are relevant to the subject matter and in compliance with Islam. A real unique quality of this book is that, both Muslims and Non-Muslims can read and benefit from it. It is a common human emotion to feel hurt and depressed for whatever circumstance or reason that may have triggered such emotion to takeover the heart and mind.

I my self not long ago went through some extremely tough emotional times, the likes of which I had never experienced before and Insha'allah I hope I never go through again. But it is exactly during this down period that a person will benefit most from this book. Physical pain and injuries heal in a short space of time in comparison to matters of the heart. “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (Qur'an 13:28) Unlike many other books a reader will pick up a book and read it from cover to cover within short span of time, however on the advice of the author to which I agree, he suggests we read this book slowly to fully take in the advice offered and for it to have the desired effect which to say in short is "Be happy, at peace, and joyful and Don't Be Sad." Many of the topics, examples and solutions covered in this book may seem familiar to some, maybe to the point where you think and say to your self "I knew that" but that is the beauty of this book, it serves as a reminder. We all tend to forget the little priceless gems that sometime need to be brought to our attention and this is the perfect tool to remind you.

As a final comment, I'd like to draw a parallel with this book to medication (Anti- Depressant) but without any adverse side effects. If taken in the correct doses and of course with an open and sincere mind insha'allah it will cure even the most down and depressed person. Food for thought maybe for any Muslim doctor wishing to try something other than Prozac for their patient?......Allah knows best. This is definitely a good read for anyone feeling down and in the low…. If like me you need an Imaan boast after the spiritual ecstasy of Ramadhan then hopefully this should help…Insha'allah. So, take heart and hold firmly onto the rope of Allah.

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